- scope
1.1. The following general terms and conditions of sale and delivery apply in the version valid on the day of the order for all purchase contracts for the products offered according to the KV & in the web shop and become part of the contract. These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply exclusively to all transactions between MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG and the customer; conflicting or deviating purchasing conditions of the customer, even if known, only become effective if they are expressly recognized in writing by MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG.
1.2. The terms and conditions apply without restriction to legal transactions between private individuals and companies within the meaning of Section 1 Consumer Protection Act (KSchG). Insofar as the provisions of the KSchG idgF require agreements that deviate from these GTC, for example for distance selling contracts, the statutory provisions apply.
- offer, orders
2.1. Offers from MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG are subject to change and non-binding. A contract offer (order, order) from a customer – in whatever form – requires the written order confirmation and acceptance by MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG.
2.2. The content and scope of the order, in particular with regard to the product model, specification and equipment, functionality and delivery date or other performance data, are only binding if they have been expressly agreed in writing.
2.3. All product images shown on may deviate from the appearance of the real product for technical reasons.
III. contract language
The content of the contract, all other information, customer service and complaint management are offered in German and English.
- right of withdrawal
4.1. Customers who are consumers within the meaning of the KSchG can withdraw from the purchase within 14 days of receipt of the goods. It is sufficient if the declaration of withdrawal is sent within this period. In the event of a withdrawal, the purchase price will only be refunded step by step against the return of the goods received from the customer. The condition for this is that the goods are in an unused condition and can be resold as new.
4.2. The costs of the return are at the expense of the customer.
4.3. MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG will charge an appropriate fee for the reduction in value for items that are impaired or damaged by signs of use. The same applies if accessories are missing when the goods are returned.
4.4. The consumer has no right to withdraw from contracts for goods that are made to customer specifications and that are clearly tailored to personal needs.
4.5. Send information, data requests or complaints to MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG.
- Prices
5.1. Prices are ex works in Vienna, in the specified currency, including the applicable statutory sales tax and other fees for collection by the customer.
5.2. Transport and packaging are charged by MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG in addition to the respective sales price, unless otherwise agreed.
5.3. Should export or import duties become due in the course of shipping, these are also at the expense of the customer.
- terms of payment
6.1. When the order is placed, 50% of the order number are invoiced, further 25% are due when DerAutomat is ready for delivery and the remaining 25% within 14 days net after commissioning and final acceptance. A delivery date results from the complete project plan.
6.2. All costs/prices are exclusive of VAT, payable upon receipt of the invoice without any deductions. The goods remain the property of MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG until they have been paid for in full.
VII. Provision of Services/Terms of Delivery
7.1. MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG endeavors to deliver as quickly as possible at all times. There are no binding delivery dates or deadlines; ie the delivery times are non-binding. Any binding agreed delivery dates must be in writing.
7.2. MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG makes every effort to carry out deliveries, if possible, within twelve weeks of the order being placed for standards, taking into account the production, implementation and development options. Special customizations can take up to 8 months of development and production times.
7.3. Shorter delivery times may need to be approved and agreed in writing by MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG after a thorough check of feasibility and entitle MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG to charge an express surcharge of 15% on the net invoice amount.
7.4. Insofar as a binding delivery period has been agreed deviating from this, non-compliance with deadlines by MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG only entitles the customer to assert the rights to which he is entitled if, unless otherwise agreed in individual cases, he has given MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG a reasonable grace period of at least four granted weeks.
7.5. In particular, there is no delay if there are difficulties in obtaining the goods from third parties or operational disruptions (also with suppliers of MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG).
7.6. The day of delivery is the day on which the goods leave the factory or a warehouse; if this day cannot be determined, the day on which the goods are made available to the customer shall apply.
7.7. MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG reserves the right to choose the shipping route and type. Additional costs caused by the buyer's special shipping requests shall be borne by the buyer. The same applies to increases in freight rates occurring after the conclusion of the contract, any additional costs for rerouting, storage costs, etc.
7.8. Shipping is freight collect at ƒ and the customer's expense to the address specified by the customer. In the event of incorrect, incomplete or unclear information provided by the customer, he shall bear all the costs incurred as a result. Any transport damage, loss or other damage must be reported immediately by the recipient to the delivery service.
7.9. If a customer refuses to accept the goods, he must bear all the costs of (return) transport and storage.
7.10. Höhere Gewalt jeder Art, Betriebs- oder Verkehrsstörungen, Feuerschäden, Überschwemmungen, Arbeitskräfte-, Energie-, Rohstoff- und Hilfsstoffmangel, Streik, Aussperrungen, Störung beim Versand, behördliche Verfügungen oder andere Hindernisse, welche die Herstellung, den Versand, die Abnahme oder den Verbrauch verhindern, verzögern, verringern oder unzumutbar werden lassen, befreien für Dauer und Umfang der Störung von der Verpflichtung zur Lieferung oder Abnahme. Wird infolge der Störung die Lieferung und /oder Abnahme um mehr als acht Wochen überschritten, so sind beide Teile zum Rücktritt vom Vertrag berechtigt. Bei teilweisem oder vollständigem Wegfall der Bezugsquellen der MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG ist diese nicht verpflichtet, sich bei fremden Vorlieferanten einzudecken.
VIII. Right to use the software unrestricted in terms of time and place
8.1. The contractor grants the client
Upon payment of the agreed fee, a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and perpetual right
or for an agreed recurring fee, a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and time-limited right
to use the software for the hardware specified in the contract and to the extent of the purchased licenses for simultaneous use on several workstations, to use all work results created on the basis of the contractor's contract for their own internal use.
8.2. All other rights (such as copyrights) to the agreed services (programs, documentation, etc.) remain with the contractor or his licensors.
The present contract only acquires a license to use the work. Distribution by the client is excluded under copyright law. No rights to the use specified in the present contract are acquired through the cooperation of the customer in the production of the software. Any infringement of the contractor's copyrights will result in claims for damages, in which case full satisfaction must be paid.
8.3. The customer is permitted to make copies for archiving and data backup purposes provided that the software does not contain an express prohibition from the licensor or third parties and that all copyright and property notices are transferred to these copies unchanged. If the disclosure of the interfaces is necessary for the creation of interoperability of the software in question, this is to be commissioned by the client from the contractor against payment of costs. If the contractor does not comply with this requirement and decompilation takes place in accordance with copyright law, the results are to be used exclusively to establish interoperability. Misuse will result in damages. Without the express consent of the contractor, his services and works may not be changed, either in the original or in the reproduction. The services, works and works of the contractor may only be used for the agreed type of use and the agreed purpose to the agreed extent.
8.4. In the absence of an express agreement to the contrary, the purpose of the contract shall only be the purpose made recognizable by the customer when the order was placed. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, only a simple right of use is transferred in each case. Under no circumstances is the contractor obliged to hand over source code or open layout files, unless this is expressly agreed. All rights of use to ideas presented but not selected for implementation remain with the contractor. The transfer of granted rights of use to third parties as well as multiple uses (e.g. for another product, another campaign, another website, another platform or by another company) require our express consent and are subject to payment.
- acquisition of a device
9.1. After installation, commissioning and training, a DA employee will draw up an acceptance protocol with you. You confirm the correct installation, the functioning of the device and the training that has taken place. You have the option of noting any defects in the acceptance protocol. The classification is based on standardized defect categories, which are set out as follows:
- Serious defect (machine cannot be used [out of order] or safety-related defect [danger to persons]. Takeover can be refused.
- Slight defect (Slight technical defects that do not limit the function of the device or only to a small extent [max. 25%]. Does not prevent takeover.
- Optical defect (not a technical limitation, but unclean execution or other purely optical imperfections). Not preventive.
9.2. All deficiencies will be immediately improved by us. Of course, all statutory and contractual warranty periods apply. Commercial use of the device (regardless of whether payment is used or not) automatically corresponds to full takeover at the start of commercial use. The acceptance protocol is relevant to the final invoice and marks the start of the agreed warranty.
9.3. A fully functional device may only be put into operation when a safety housing with a safety switch has been installed, put into operation and also accepted and approved by MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG.
If the device is nevertheless put into operation at the risk of the customer, MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG assumes no liability for damage to the device, injury to persons involved or consequential damage of any kind.
- Warranty, inspection and notification of defects
10.1. Gewährleistungsansprüche des Kunden erfüllt die MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG nach eigener Wahl entweder durch Verbesserung, Nachtrag des Fehlenden oder Austausch innerhalb von 12 Monaten ab Installation. Erst wenn keine Verbesserung, kein Nachtrag des Fehlenden oder Austausch in angemessener Frist für den Kunden erfolgt, ist der Kunde zur Preisminderung oder Wandlung (Vertragsaufhebung)berechtigt. Bei einem nur geringfügigen Mangel ist die Wandlung ausgeschlossen. Schwankungen der Waren- und Ausführungsqualität innerhalb der Normen gelten als vereinbart und berechtigen den Kunden nicht zur Geltendmachung von Gewährleistungsansprüchen oder sonstigen Ansprüchen oder Rechten, welcher Art auch immer.
10.2. MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG assumes no liability for the suitability of the delivered goods for the purpose intended by the customer. The same applies to purely visual deviations that do not impair the proper use of the goods. If material defects are concerned, warranty claims must be asserted in court within six months of delivery of the goods. The period begins on the day the goods are delivered.
10.3. Der Kunde hat die Ware nach der Anlieferung bzw. Leistungserbringung unverzüglich, längstens aber binnen sieben Tagen, ab dem Zeitpunkt des Gefahrenüberganges zu untersuchen. Dabei festgestellte Mängel sind DerAutomat Harrer GmbH & Co KG unverzüglich unter Bekanntgabe von Art und Umfang des Mangels, sowie unter Angabe der genauen Warenbezeichnung, des Datums der Lieferung sowie unter Vorlage der entsprechenden Rechnung schriftlich bekanntzugeben.
- transfer of risk
The risk passes to the customer as soon as the shipment has been handed over to the person/company carrying out the transport or has left the warehouse of MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG for the purpose of shipment.
XII. compensation
12.1. All claims for damages against MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG are excluded in cases of slight negligence. The period for asserting the warranty is agreed to be one year from the delivery of the goods.
12.2. The customer expressly acknowledges that MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG is initially entitled to make improvements in the form of replacement, replacement of what is missing and repairs if the legal requirements for a claim from the title of warranty / damages are met. The customer can only assert a price reduction claim after the unsuccessful expiry of a reasonable improvement period to be determined in the individual case.
12.3. In addition, MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG's obligation to pay compensation is limited to 50 % of the purchase price. MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG is not liable for consequential damages, indirect damages, losses or lost profits.
12.4. Compensation for damages beyond this is excluded in any case. No liability for warranty or compensation is assumed for used devices. If the buyer does not accept the goods in question, MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG is entitled to either insist on acceptance or to demand 30 % of the purchase price as a flat-rate compensation for damages and expenses, whereby the right to assert higher claims for damages remains reserved.
12.5. Any claim for damages against MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG can only be asserted in court within six months after the person or persons entitled to claim has become aware of the damage or have been able to become aware of it, but at the latest within two years after the event giving rise to the claim.
XIII. retention of title
All goods and services are delivered by MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG under retention of title and remain the property of MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG until full payment, including any ancillary fees.
XIV. Offsetting
Offsetting any claims that the customer may have against MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG is excluded unless the claim has been expressly recognized by MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG or has been legally established.
- Data protection, change of address and copyright
15.1. The customer agrees that the personal data contained in the order or in the purchase contract will be stored and processed in fulfillment of this agreement by MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG Automation.
15.2. MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG respects the privacy of the customer and strictly complies with all applicable data protection regulations. Personal data will only be used within the framework of legal regulations. The employees of MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG are subject to the confidentiality obligations of the Data Protection Act.
MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG will not pass on customer data to third parties without the express consent of the customer. This does not apply if there is a legal obligation to release data.
15.3. Der Kunde ist verpflichtet, MICROMARKET24 HARRER KGÄnderungen der Lieferadresse bekanntzugeben, solange das vertragsgegenständliche Rechtsgeschäft nicht beiderseitig vollständig erfüllt ist. Wird die Mitteilung unterlassen, so gelten Lieferung auch dann als zugegangen, falls sie an die zuletzt bekanntgegebene Adresse des Kunden gesendet werden.
XVI Consent to e-mail advertising, reference list
The customer agrees to receive advertising and information from MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG by e-mail to a reasonable extent and to be named in a list of references maintained by MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG, which can be published on the homepage. The contractual partner can revoke this agreement at any time in writing, by fax or e-mail
XVIII. partial nullity
Should individual provisions of these GTC be or become void, ineffective or contestable, the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected and must then be interpreted and/or supplemented in such a way that the intended economic purpose is achieved as precisely as possible in a legally permissible manner. This also applies in the event of any gaps in the contract.
XVIII. Choice of law, place of jurisdiction
18.1. Austrian substantive law applies to these terms and conditions and the entire legal relationship between MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG and the customer.
18.2. The applicability of the UN sales law as well as national and international conflict of law rules is expressly excluded.
18.3. For all disputes between MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG and the customer, including the question of the valid conclusion and the before and after effects of the concluded purchase contracts, the relevant competent court at the registered office of MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG shall be deemed to have been agreed.
18.4. If it has been agreed that MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG bears the customs and import duties of the country of destination of the goods, any increases in such duties that come into force between delivery and order confirmation and delivery of the goods shall be borne by the customer. All other fees, taxes and costs associated with the purchase contract are also borne by the customer.
18.5. Changes to these GTC by MICROMARKET24 HARRER KG are deemed to have been approved and are also effective for existing contracts if the customer does not object to the changed GTC within 14 days of the announcement. The amended General Terms and Conditions can be announced in writing or electronically.